Soap Operas create different people and why I think I don´t belong to this ‘specie’

Soap Operas create different people and why I think I don´t belong to this ‘specie’.

Published by Carla Doria

Writer, blogger, and traveler.

3 thoughts on “Soap Operas create different people and why I think I don´t belong to this ‘specie’

  1. When I was a teenager we watched the Mexican soap opera ‘El Secreto.’ It was hilarious to find out as it went along that they had stolen the entire plot of Jane Eyre, and set it on a rancho in Mexico. Talk about lazy writing. I think that’s the only one I’ve watched. My mother used to watch one occasionally, but she was always doing something – usually hand sewing – because she didn’t feel she could jut sit there and watch TV.

    People do what feels good to them – maybe they like knowing there are worse problems out there than their own, and that even rich people have lots of them.


    1. Thanks for reading!
      I´ve never thought it that way, you are right, maybe it is the lifestyle they choose.
      I´m just so glad I didn´t choose that one 🙂


      1. It is relatively recent in human history for women to have the kind of choices you have. What’s the point if some of you younger women don’t use them? Just stay safe out there – not all the people, especially men, in the world like the fact that you have choices.

        Many women by your age are locked into marriages and children – some of us become freer as the kids leave the nest, other get bogged down with grandchildren and sick parents and spouses with problems. It isn’t always your choice, but your reaction always is.


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