Will I ever stop editing my book?

After some brief vacations on the beach (some heavy burning and the realization that the beach may not be for me), I’ve started the second revision of my manuscript and realized that this one is also going to take me a while. I’ve started with chapter one and there were so many ways to improve it, I practically re-wrote the whole thing again, and I’m still not convinced. I’m planning to go over it again tonight.

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Image source: www.gracebooks.org

The positive point is that I believe my writing has improved and it’s getting better each time with more practice and reading. The bad is that I’m afraid I won’t ever stop editing; it seems that I’ll get improving and improving and I’ll never finish editing my manuscript.

Of course when I write, I tend to reach a point where I read my words and find them exciting and beautiful; but after leaving it for a while and coming back to it later, I still find that it’s not what I want it. Am I too perfectionist? That would freak me out. I’ve never been perfectionist in anything else, maybe it was because I’ve never found the necessary interest in other activities, but now is different, all interest and expectations are on board.

So, help, I need advice from people out there who write and sometimes stop to read my blog? When do you know you have to stop editing?

Published by Carla Doria

Writer, blogger, and traveler.

11 thoughts on “Will I ever stop editing my book?

  1. I’m afraid I have the same problem! I have never managed to call a manuscript done because I can’t get to a point where I’m satisfied. So I’m no help really. Just a sympathiser.

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  2. I am definitely not an author but I have written some manuscripts over the years, WANTING to be an author. Hahaha. I have to say that rereading them was a most excruciating experience! What dreadful writing! On the other hand, I have edited a variety of materials and I think if you are pleased after a couple of edits, I would stop there. They are probably great.

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    1. Yes! I also find myself in that situation, whenever I reread them, I find myself saying “What was I thinking!” 🙂 but I guess I’ll have to find that point where I stop. Thanks for the advice!


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